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Using the KPI Overview Tab
Using the KPI Overview Tab
Updated over a year ago

By default, when you navigate to the Scorecard module, you’ll land on the KPI overview tab. The KPI overview tab is designed to provide you with an understanding of how your entire transportation network has performed over the past week against your custom KPIs.

Your scorecards will show data for the latest shipper week by default, but you can select a different date range in the filter tab. Learn about filtering scorecards.

Your KPI overview will have the following elements:

KPI cards


ISO Scorecards have three KPI cards available currently. Here is a summary of the data each of these cards displays.

Total Exposure

The Total Exposure card measures the monetary value of all of the fees incurred in the exceptions uncovered in ISO. The card tabulates the total amount of fees, broken out by the responsible party identified during the data reconciliation process you’ve worked through with your carriers and customers.


The Shipments card shows the total number of shipments that occurred within the date range selected, and breaks them down further based on whether they were contract or spot shipments.

Top Exception Types

The Top Exception Types card shows the total volume of exceptions uncovered, and breaks them down by the types of exceptions you’ve defined for your network. The breakdown shows the volume of each type, as well as the percentage of total exceptions each type makes up.

PLEASE NOTE: You will only see a card if we have data available for that card type. For example, if you do not provide exposure data, you will not have the Total Exposure card visible in your KPI overview.

Key Performance Indicators table

The KPI table will summarize performance for each of the KPIs you’ve defined for your transportation network. The KPIs will be listed in each row in the KPI column, with performance metrics listed in each column to the right. KPI calculations are defined with your Customer Experience Manager during the onboarding process, but can be adjusted and rearranged anytime. Reach out to support if you’d like to update your KPIs.


PLEASE NOTE: The rank column only populates once you’ve filtered for a specific carrier. You have the ability to toggle rankings on/off for a given carrier. If they are toggled on, your carrier will also see this value in their scorecard.

The rank column contextualizes a carrier’s performance on a given KPI against the rest of your network. Rank can be displayed as a relative percentile value (e.g., Top 10% or Bottom 25%) or as an absolute ranking (e.g., 1, 2, 3, and so on).

To configure rankings for your carriers, please reach our to your customer success manager or submit a request to [email protected]

WoW (Week over Week)

WoW displays how performance for a given KPI is trending compared to the previous shipper week. When you select a timeframe greater than 1 week, the header will change to read "Percent Change" and the value will be the percentage change from the 1st week to the last week of that time period.


PLEASE NOTE: The Threshold column only populates once you’ve filtered for one carrier.

Threshold shows the carrier’s performance relative to the expectations you’ve set with that specific partner. The number represents how far above or below (the delta) your pre-set targets that carrier performed over that date range. The values show as red if the carrier is not currently meeting the SLA or goal set for that KPI.

Threshold values do not have to be tied to formal SLAs with fines associated to them. You can set thresholds based on any performance goals you'd like your carrier to strive for, regardless of whether that is contractually binding.

Performance Thresholds button

Click “Performance Thresholds” to view and edit the SLAs you’ve set with that carrier. This button will only appear if you’ve filtered the KPI overview page for only one carrier.

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