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Power Lane
Updated over 9 months ago


The Problem:

The nature of load boards often means dealing with carriers without a pre-existing relationship. This gap in familiarity opens the door to potential risks, including double brokering and cargo theft. Brokers, even in Power Lane, may lack direct relationships with carriers but can benefit from having essential insights into the carrier's profile. Alternatively, it can be hard to see if there are alternative carriers on a lane that could help replace a top volume, poor performer they work with

The ISO Solution:

To address this challenge, ISO's Power Lane feature empowers Brokers with a baseline understanding of carriers, even if there is no direct relationship. Power Lane goes beyond the traditional "post and pray" approach by providing Brokers with relevant data to assess and calculate risks associated with specific carriers. By providing essential data on carriers, we aim to foster a more secure and informed approach to capacity sourcing, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and trustworthy logistics ecosystem.

Key Benefits:

  1. Risk Mitigation: Brokers can make informed decisions based on a carrier's profile, reducing the risk of double brokering and cargo theft.

  2. Data-Driven Decisions: Move away from the traditional "post and pray" model by leveraging data to evaluate potential risks and make proactive decisions.

  3. Enhanced Trust: Establish a measure of trust with carriers through a baseline understanding of their history and performance.

Enabling Power Lane

In its current state, Power Lane operates as an opt-in feature. To enable Power Lane for your Brokerage, simply reach out to your dedicated ISO Support team ([email protected]) and request Power Lane to be enabled. Upon opting in, your data seamlessly integrates into the Power Lane framework. It's important to note that if you haven't opted in to Power Lane, your data remains excluded from the Power Lane data pool and you will not be able to access Power Lane related information.

Navigating Power Lane

Power Lane is available within the Carriers tab of your ISO Scorecard. The following criteria must be met in order to utilize Power Lane within the Scorecard:

  1. You must be filtered to a single lane. You can filter to a lane in one of two ways:

    1. Set an Origin and Destination via your Filter drawer

    2. Select a lane directly within the Lanes tab

  2. You must toggle on Power Lane on the Carriers tab

Carrier Segments

In Network

Carriers that are listed as In Network are Carriers within your network which have ran shipments for the selected parameters (Lane pairing + Time Range etc). All metrics shown within the row of an In Network Carrier are representative of the Carriers performance solely for your Brokerage.

No Lane History

Carriers that are listed as No Lane History are Carriers within your network which have not run shipments for the selected parameters (Lane pairing + Time Range etc). All metrics shown within the row of a No Lane History Carrier are representative of the Carriers performance across the ISO Network for brokers that have opted into Power Lane

Out of Network

Carriers that are listed as Out of Network are Carriers that are outside of your network. All metrics shown within the row of a Out of Network Carrier are representative of the Carriers performance across the ISO Network for brokers that have opted into Power Lane

Carrier Profile

You can view a Carrier's profile by selecting their row within the table. This will expand the drawer which houses the following information:

  • Carrier MC

  • Carrier Contact Info (phone, email, address, etc)

  • Carrier ISO Performance - this will differ based on the segment of the Carrier selected (i.e. In Network, No Lane History and Out of Network)

    • In Network: will always show the Carrier's performance for your Brokerage and if applicable will also show the Carrier's performance across the ISO Network for brokers that have opted into Power Lane

    • No Lane History & Out of Network: will only show the Carriers performance across the ISO Network for brokers that have opted into Power Lane

Additional Information

  • Power Lane will disable once you either navigate from the Carriers tab or remove your Lane filter. Simply reapply a lane filter and toggle Power Lane back on to start a new session

  • ISO Network Benchmarking is not available while utilizing Power Lane. In order to view ISO Benchmarking within the Carrier tab of the scorecard ensure Power Lane is turned off

  • Out of Network Financials will always be hidden

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