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ISO for Broker KPI Definitions
ISO for Broker KPI Definitions
Updated over 12 months ago

While you can view the definition for each KPI directly within your ISO Scorecard by selecting the KPI, below you will find all KPI Definitions.

My Network Performance

KPI Name


Exception Breakdown?


A weighted average of Timely Pickup (20%), Timely Delivery (40%), and Bounces (40%)

Total Loads

The total number of loads per applied filter(s)

Bounce %

% of shipments where a carrier was unassigned after accepting the load

Bad Bounce %

% of shipments where a carrier was unassigned 4 hours prior to scheduled pickup

On-Time Original Pickup By Stop

% of pickup stops where the arrival time is at or before the originally scheduled pickup appointment end time

On-Time Original Delivery By Stop

% of delivery stops where the arrival time is at or before the originally scheduled delivery appointment end time

On-Time Delivery By Stop

% of delivery stops where the arrival time is at or before the carrier’s scheduled delivery appointment end time

On-Time Pickup By Stop

% of pickup stops where the arrival time is at or before the carrier’s scheduled pickup appointment end time

Average Minutes Late to Delivery Appointment

Average difference in minutes between the delivery arrival time and the scheduled delivery end time

Average Minutes Late - Pickup

Average difference in minutes between the pickup arrival time and the scheduled pickup end time

Bounce Lead Time - Average Hours

Average difference between time of bounce and scheduled pickup appointment end time

Time to Book Average

Average difference between shipment creation and time of booking

Booking Lead Time Average Hours

Average difference between time of booking and scheduled pickup appointment start time

Shipment Lead Time Average Hours

Average difference between shipment creation and scheduled pickup appointment start time

Average Length of Haul Per Shipment

Average length of haul per shipment per the applied filter(s)

Average Stops Per Shipment

Average number of stops per shipment per the applied filter(s)

Pickup Dwell Time Average Minutes

Average minutes between pickup arrival and departure

Delivery Dwell Time Average Minutes

Average minutes between delivery arrival and departure

Real Time Tracked %

% of shipments hauled by a carrier with a ping on the duration of the shipment

Real Time Tracked with Consistency %

% of shipments hauled by a carrier with consistent tracking (at least 1 ping per 60 minutes)

Financial Costs

KPI Name


Total Cost Average (USD)

Average freight costs (linehaul, accessorials) per shipment

Linehaul Per Mile (USD

Average linehaul cost per mile

Linehaul Spend Average (USD)

Average linehaul cost per shipment

Average Fuel Surcharge Per Mile (USD)

Average cost of fuel surcharge per shipment

Service-Related Costs

KPI Name


Service Adjusted Total Cost Average (USD)

Average total cost of shipment + incremental bounce cost per shipment

Incremental Bounce Cost Average (USD)

Average cost difference between original booked cost and recovery booked cost when a bounce (> 4 hours pre-pickup) occurred

Incremental Bad Bounce Cost Average (USD)

Average cost difference between original booked cost and recovery booked cost when a bad bounce (<4 hours pre-pickup) occurred

Accessorial Costs

KPI Name


Detention Cost Average (USD)

Average amount of detention accrued per shipment

Layover Cost Average (USD)

Average layover costs accrued per shipment

Lumper Cost Average (USD)

Average lumper fees accrued per shipment

Driver Assist Cost Average (USD)

Average driver assist fees accrued per shipment

Stop-Off Cost Average (USD)

Average stop off charges accrued per shipment

Reconsignment Cost Average (USD)

Average reconsignment charges accrued per shipment

Other Accessorial Cost Average (USD)

Average other accessorials accrued per shipment

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