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Responding to a Rebuttal
Updated over 2 months ago

When a carrier submits a rebuttal in ISO, the user on your team responsible for
the shipment will receive a notification that the carrier has submitted information for review. You can access the shipment details directly from the notification email, or locate the shipment in the app by search, the exceptions table, or the carrier scorecard.

  • In the shipment details you will be able to see the rebuttal information the carrier submitted: Short Reason Code, Long Reason Code, Attachments, and Comments.

  • Based on the information provided, you may accept / decline or request more information by challenging the exception (which sends the shipment back to the carrier).

  • Accepting the rebuttal will forgive the carrier of the exception and positively impact the carrier’s scorecard.

  • Declining the rebuttal means the evidence provided was not substantive enough to overturn the outcome of the shipment - the carrier’s scorecard will remain the same.

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